Thursday, July 25, 2013

Getting Ready for Yoga Boot Camp

As I sit here typing I am having a cup of decaf... in the morning!  I have been weaning off of coffee because it is not allowed as part of the 21-day Yoga Boot Camp I am starting tomorrow.  *cries*  We have our first meeting, yoga session, and orientation tomorrow morning AT SIX A.M.  *cries more*  to get our notebooks and all of the information on what we will be eating, drinking, doing over the next three weeks.

I am excited, nervous, and a bit scared to fail, but I think this is a great time for me to take on this challenge.  According to Diana, the owner of the yoga studio I go to, this boot camp is a 21-day detox for the mind, body, and spirit.  It is a cleanse and a resetting of the self.  I need all of that.

It comes at a perfect time, too!  I will be achieving my 21st day in a row of exercise on Sunday and when this boot camp is over I will be at 40 consecutive days of exercise!!  When this is all over I am going to treat myself to a facial and a session of Thai Massage.  After all the detox I am sure my body will need it! :D

As for the boot camp, I will write a detailed blog about it tomorrow after I receive all my instructions and, of course, will blog during the experience.  For now here is what I know:

  • Yoga M-F 6-7am
  • Week 1 - cut out all processed foods 
  • Week 2 - cut out all animal products
  • Week 3 - there will be a 48hr fast at some point then we'll eat kitchari which is supposed to be pretty tasty.
  • Journaling
  • Breath work
  • Sweat therapy
Here is what I am hoping to get from it:  A restart.  I need to defog my body and my brain, pop loose whatever it blocking my mind and keeping me stuck in this same spot in my dissertation process.  I think it is going to be a challenge, but I am up for it.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Not every day is a great day.

I didn't drink enough water today and could really tell. It is amazing the difference it makes.  I also did not eat a single proper meal today and felt like crap. I didn't want to exercise at all but made myself do 20 minutes of yoga poses just to MOVE MY BODY. I can honestly say I felt better for doing it and had a spinach, strawberry, acai, & Greek yogurt smoothie after.

Day 18 is done!

Tomorrow is another day and will be a better day!


Saturday, July 20, 2013



I cannot believe I have exercised for 2 solid weeks and am already wanting to do tomorrow's work out! I need to strengthen my weak core. My lower back aches a lot and I think that is because of 3 things:
  1. My belly is big and the muscles are weak causing my back to overcompensate.
  2. I am not keeping my core engaged enough during some yoga poses and my back is having to overcompensate.
  3. I have TERRIBLE posture, especially seated at my desk.
So, I looked around for specific exercises to do and found this:

According to the descriptions on Gaiam's site this kit will: 

  • Stretch and strengthen your spine
  • Alleviate back pain
  • Improve your overall midsection
  • Strengthen core muscles to prevent injury
  • Unique peanut-shape supports the spine and lower legs
  • Increase range of motion
  • Correct posture and form

It comes with:

  • Anti-Burst CoreFit Ab Ball; free of the most harmful phthalates
  • Strong Core & Back Workout DVD
  • Bonus Downloadable Back Pain Relief Workout
The two 10-minute workouts include:
  • “Core Focus” targets those hard-to-reach places helping you build strength throughout your midsection
  • “Strong Core and More” adds more challenge with standing moves requiring greater control and concentration
The Bonus “Back Pain Relief,” delivers a 10-minute stretch routine. (YAY!)

So, I ordered it (on Amazon) and it has already arrived.  I think I will attempt all 30mins tomorrow and see how it goes! I'll let you know!

DAY 15 - CORE & BACK HERE WE COME!! I am 2/3 the way to forming a habit!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Gone Streaking

Hello Blogger, my Old Friend
I've come to post on you again
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of the Interwebz....

(apologies to Simon & Garfunkel)

So first things first:  HELLO!! *waves*

So, about this streaking...  yea, I've been doing it! And I love it!!

Oh, um, sorry, this isn't the naked, run out on a baseball field/basketball court/down the office hall kind that was so prevalent in the 1970s... Oh, the Seventies... *wistful sigh*  It IS, however, exercising in an unbroken streak for, like, always!  I first heard of the idea from my friend Christie, she applies it to running - in fact I think it is a runner's "thing" - and then I co-opted it for myself.

The concept is simple: Run every day at least one mile.

That is it. Every day. One mile and from what I hear, once you get suited up and go, you don't just run your mile and stop, you run your mile and keep going. It sounded cool and easy, you know, if I was a runner... but I am not a runner. I am a 265lb 41.33 yr old obese women who has been exercise adverse My. Entire. Life... what to do, what to do?  Oooh, Oooh! I know! I know!


So, I thought about it for a few weeks, probably a month, or three... *ahem* Then one day, I don't know why, I got a Groupon to a yoga studio a few minutes from my house.  Then a few weeks later I sucked up all my insidious Jr. High School doubt and went to yoga... And I loved it! I found a groovy studio with an awesome vibe and cool people and, and, and I just wanted to go back and keep going back.

And then it happened... I became a streaker.  As of this moment I have been to the yoga studio (or done yoga with a DVD at home (once)) for the past 10 days.  TEN DAYS!! I have EXERCISED for 10 days CONSECUTIVELY!  Woooo! And get this, I LIKE IT!

I mean I TRULY LIKE IT! I like the classes (I've been to a variety of classes at the studio... that is another blog post) and I like exercising everyday.  I am feeling pretty awesome and the weirdest thing is happening, something that I do not think has happened in all of my 41.33 years...


I can't explain it and I don't want to.  What I want to do is to keep streaking! 


For more info on streak running go to the United States Running Streak Association.

To find a yoga studio in your area check out this directory from Yoga Journal.

And lastly, because the song is stuck in my head and probably yours, too: