Thursday, August 2, 2012

31 Days of Blogging - AKA The Call Out - Day 1

In my previous installment of this blog I talked about a shout out from my friend Daenel (aka Dani) over at Living Outside the Stacks on her blog and how it turned into a calling out for her to get her camera back into action, which in turn prompted *me* back into blogging action.  Dani is awesome wrapped in bacon served with a hot cup of coffee and she is a super-busy mom of 5 (3 still at home... for now, HA!), a librarian at a university, a blogger, a fashionista, a crocheter extraordinaire, very active in her church, and  1 of 50 members of Team Cinchspiration.  I figured that if she can blog DAILY with all the things she has going on SURELY I can with my way less busy life.

So,  I am stepping up the challenge to myself and making it a 31 Days - 31 Blogs challenge.  Yep, I am challenging myself  to blog EVERY DAY this month.  I am hoping it becomes a habit that I will continue.  As you know, if you have followed me for very long, I am AWESOME at the start-up & planning time, but tend to lose interest and fall out as I get bored (which is also very no bueno when one is supposed to be writing a dissertation... actually ANY daily writing is good for dissertation writing, especially if it "clears the mechanism," so to speak.)

Ok, so Day 1 = Success!!  (if you allow me count my time as Pacific Standard, today - HA!)


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