Friday, September 17, 2010

Exercise Slump

This is just a quick one to document the fact that I have missed the gym 2 days in a row. This bears documenting because I actually feel bad about it! For the first time in my 38yrs, I feel bad about missing exercise! That, at least, is good.

Wednesday I completely over-scheduled my afternoon with professor meetings and student organization stuff and failed to book in any cushion time. Needless to say EVERYTHING ran over by at least 30-minutes and I didn't even get to pick up Lupe until nearly 5pm, completely missing my 4:30 Group Strength class (and standing up my new workout buddy, Liz. - I did text her so she wasn't completely stood up.) and then late for dinner & a movie w/friends.

Yesterday I opted not to keep the car because I didn't have any errands to run or meetings to attend. Well, Lupe ended up working a 12-hr day because a simulator was down and they couldn't get it running until today! So he didn't even get home until after 7pm, so no water fitness. :(

I need to dig out my belly dance fitness DVDs & hook the WiiFit back up so that I will have a back-up plan for these kinds of unexpected gym absences.

I don't want this 2-day slump turn into the "never go back to exercise" thing that has happened often in the past.

On a good note, I have my comprehensive exam fields set and will blog about that later. Now, I have a baby shower to prep for!


  1. Having a back up plan for just in case moments helps. It's great that you're feeling bad about not exercising, but don't beat yourself up ~ life happens. Just get back on track.

  2. All is not lost if you miss a few days. As long as you get back in there you will be ok.

  3. Thanks! I will be "getting back in there" tonight at pm. It is the sweaty Latin Dance class! I am kinda excited! :)
